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5 Important Tips for Writing Non-Fiction

by | Jan 11, 2016 | Tips For Writers

5 Important Tips for Writing Non-Fiction

I have talked a lot about writing fiction on this blog, and now I think it is time to show some love to my non-fiction writers out there. Writing non-fiction is a great path to take and I am going to give you 5 important tips for writing non-fiction.

5 Important Tips for Writing To Help You Become A Better Writer


Tip 1:

The first thing you need to think about before writing your non-fiction book is whether or not people are going to want to read it. Before you even begin writing, think of what your book is about and why someone should read it. Write a short pitch on your book that describes your book and why it is better than any other books on the same topic. If you can do this and show your audience the value that your book will have, you will create a very successful non-fiction book.

Tip 2:

Use the elements found in novels when writing non-fiction. In some cases, scene, setting, characters, and dialogue can help make a non-fiction piece better. For example if you were writing a memoir, using these elements creates a sense of actually seeing certain aspects of a non-fiction book unfold like a movie. These elements may be a big part of fiction writing, but they can make your non-fiction writing much stronger.

Tip 3:

In your non-fiction writing, you need to organize, organize, organize and make sure what you are writing is accurate. Gather information, go to the library, and research! Keep copies of everything you find. They will come in handy as you get further into the writing process.

Tip 4:

Create a writing schedule! I cannot stress this enough. If you don’t set up a schedule for your writing, you are bound to lose track of time. I do it, and many of my friends do as well. It is just the nature of the writer it seems! But if you create a writing schedule, you can get your book out faster and begin selling your book sooner!

Tip 5:

Use your experiences and your educational background to establish yourself as an expert in your topic. Don’t be afraid to talk yourself up in your writing. Your readers need to know that you know what you are writing about. Use your real life experiences that got you interested in your topic and flush them out to show your readers that you are knowledgeable. You wouldn’t read a book by someone with no experience in the topic… your readers won’t either.

Writing non-fiction can be tough with such a saturated market. A lot of topics have already been exhausted. However, if you can use these 5 important tips for writing non-fiction, you can create a book that stands out from the rest. And if you need assistance with anything during your writing process, visit my website Write One Publications and I will help you write the best non-fiction work you can!

NEXT: How Writing A Non Fiction Book Can Advance Your Career

5 Important Tips for Writing Non-Fiction