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Your All-in-One Toolkit for Writing, Marketing, and Budgeting Your Book

Manuscript Format & Outline Template

Are you a first-time writer and unsure how to format your manuscript in Google Docs or Microsoft Word? Do you need help writing the outline for your book?

Use my templates to format the documents for your book so you can START writing. Download my Manuscript Format and Outline templates now for just $27!

Book Marketing Timeline

Are you a first-time writer and unsure how to market your book? Need help deciding the marketing you need to do and when?

Use my Book Marketing Timeline to create a book marketing plan for your book. Download the Book Marketing Timeline now for ONLY $7!

Book Budget Templates

Book Budget Worksheets

Are you looking for a way to keep track of your book expenses? Do you wish there was a simple and practical solution to help you navigate the financial challenges of publishing your book? Keep track of your budget and learn the expenses required to publish your book. Download my Book Budget worksheet now for ONLY $7!

Kindle Create Templates

Kindle Create Templates, Self-Publishing
Checklist, and Author Resources

Are you tired of struggling with formatting your book for Kindle? The Kindle Create templates are a bonus when you purchase The Self-Publishing Handbook. This eBook bundle comes with the Kindle Create Templates, Self-Publishing Checklist, and Author Resources as a bonus. Download this bundle now for ONLY $27!