I’m a writer.
In no way did I ever feel my brand would be associated with book marketing info and publicity. I wanted to write and publish books. That’s it. That’s all.
However when I spoke with other authors, they were discouraged by book marketing and the paths their writing careers had taken. They hated the idea that they were still working full time jobs and writing because the business end of writing hadn’t become lucrative.
When they saw what I’d been able to accomplish, they would ask me how I did it. And while usually I would give a simple cut and dry answer I realized that there was a need for authors to learn book marketing, even though writing was truly all they wanted to do.
I was honored that I was being given a voice.
I wanted to say, “Hey wait! This business end of writing is a challenge. Book marketing is kicking my ass!”
I wanted to know why people weren’t talking about it more! So instead of wondering I decided to be the one who spoke up. To put myself out there to say, “Hey it’s not easy, but it’s not impossible either!”
I wanted to tap the mic, talk over the feedback and say, “Is this thing on? Is anybody listening?”
Now let’s be clear, book marketing challenges is not a problem for everyone! Some people are natural marketers and salesman. I’m however talking to those writers who may be shy, who’s never had any experience “selling” or marketing anything. The ones who don’t want a thing to do with the Internet or social media. The writers working full-time jobs who just don’t have the time to devote to marketing. I’m talking about the writers who just want to write and not devote hours to researching book marketing info.
Now, I’ve done well and in no way do I want to diminish the successes that I’ve had. What you’ve seen through this blog and from what I’ve posted on social media is the final result – the shiny glossy write-ups and television interviews.
What you haven’t seen are the long hours or the days I’ve put into any one project I’m working on to make it successful.
Book Marketing Info – The Successes!
I credit my success to never taking no for an answer.
This blog allows me to share my mistakes and triumphs, to provide a perspective that you may not have known as a writer or a reader. I try to provide a unique perspective (voice) through my books and through my blog. I believe this to be my purpose in life. I’m a writer who’s taken all of her past experience and education and applied it to writing and business and it’s been working for me. I’m a person who wants to share what I’ve learned along the way in hopes that you won’t face the same challenges I have. I want to show other writers how to make writing lucrative. I guarantee you that writing is fulfilling; now I want to show you how to make it worth it!
Don’t take no for an answer! Write by your rules and your rules only. Make it fun! Know that you are going to be successful (claim it) and together we can take this journey. Understand that book marketing isn’t a one and done deal. You will have to carve book marketing into your already busy day along with writing. Will it be a challenge? Absolutely. Can I help you? I most certainly will.
If you are committed to tackling this barrage of book marketing info, please bookmark my site and get started with book marketing.
Did you find this book marketing info helpful? Tell me some of the challenges you’ve faced as a writer in the comment section below.
NEXT: Book Marketing Basics – 4 Ways For Authors To Gain Support