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4 Ways To Come Up With Ideas To Write A Book

by | Dec 8, 2013 | Write A Book

4 Ways To Come Up With Ideas To Write A Book

For most writers, tackling the writing of a book is a long sought after goal. It can feel overwhelming to decide what the focus of your book should be. Particularly, if this is the first time you have written a book, the task can be daunting to pick a subject that you will stick with. Whether you are writing your first book, a nonfiction book, or a fiction book, some of these ideas to write a book will help you.

The first thing you need to do is create hard deadlines. Once you establish when you would like your book to be complete, then you can implement weekly and daily goals. Having a deadline will help you to stay focused and committed to the story writing process.

Ideas To Write A Book – Use Your Blog Posts


If you don’t already have a blog then you should start one. Blogging is a good way of deciding what your book should be about. Regular blogging does three things:

1. You are challenged to write regularly.
2. You will produce a lot of content that can be later used in your book.
3. You will get a gauge on what readers think of your ideas.

Ideas To Write A Book – Writing Assignments


Using writing prompts or assignments will help your ideas to flow. You can find already created writing prompts with a few Internet searches. Also, you can choose to write for an online writing company such as ODesk, Yahoo! Voices, Fiverr, etc. Through these services you will get the benefit of writing assignments and deadlines.

Ideas To Write A Book – Establish Perimeters


If you are writing fiction and looking for ideas to write a book, establishing perimeters will help you build a story. Decide some main features that you would like to see a character have, such as: personality, body type, and facial features. Then choose a setting such as: a home, workplace, or school. Choose a time period that your story is set in such as: modern day, future, or past. When you have specific qualities of a character, established settings, and a particular time period, it gives you something to focus on in writing.

Ideas To Write A Book – Use Real Life


Another way to come up with ideas to write a book is to draw from real life experiences. This can be an event that happened to you, someone you know, or maybe even the news. Many details will already be decided for you, and then you are able to explore alternate endings and add your own storyline.

Whatever you choose to write and however you get your inspiration stay committed to writing every day. It is important that you regularly get the thoughts out of your head, even if you don’t use them in your book.

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NEXT: Write A Realistic Fiction Book – Inspire Your Writing With Real Life!

4 Ways To Come Up With Ideas To Write A Book