Writing your first book? In this video, I will share the best free tools for writers. These tools will help you to write your book, improve your productivity, and get more exposure for your book.
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Video Transcript for The BEST FREE Tools For Writers!

Hi aspiring writers! Writing Coach Stefanie Newell and this is The Life of A Writer channel. In today’s video I’m going to tell you 5 free tools and resources that will help you write your book, improve your productivity and get more exposure for your book.
The BEST FREE Tools For Writers!
Starting with what I consider to be a gold mine for those of you who write how to, self-help, or just non-fiction content in general and that is Answer The Public. Answer The Public provides instant search insights, direct from the minds of your potential customers.
In the search box enter your book’s subject matter in one to two words and Answer The Public will provide you with the questions people are searching for on the web.
You can copy and paste the results directly from the page or you can download a csv file.
To make the best use of the results, select questions that relate to your book’s subject matter and you can add them to your outline to extend the word count and subject matter for your book. You can also use these questions to create blog content, an email to your subscriber list, or to create a social media post related to that topic.
If you need help with the formatting of your outline, consider my Manuscript Format and Outline templates that will take the frustration away so that you can START writing.
Tool #2
Next up is a chrome extension that’s perfect for writers who become easily distracted surfing the web or catching up on social media.
If there’s a certain website or social media platform that you’re finding is a time sink for you and stopping you from being productive throughout your day… Stay Focusd will help you to do (just that) stay focused on work by restricting the amount of time you can spend on time-wasting websites.
Once you’ve added the extension to your browser, then choose the settings that make the most sense for you.
For example, you can choose the sites you want to block and the sites you want to allow. You can also choose the days and hours during which StayFocusd will restrict your browsing activity.
This extension is great for writers who need help sticking to their writing schedule!
By setting the days and hours you want to restrict, you won’t be distracted from reaching your writing goals.
Tool #3
Next up is Typing Speed Test. Typing Speed Test is perfect for writers who want to increase their typing speed or want to become more accurate. This tool times your speed as you input the words that scroll across the screen. You can use this tool to increase your speed over time and increase your productivity.
The BEST FREE Tools For Writers! – Tool #4
This next site is perfect for aspiring writers looking to traditionally publish.
When going the traditional publishing route, be mindful that a literary agent is required and will submit your manuscript on your behalf to a publisher that handles your genre.
Agent Query is a free database of literary agents.
First identify the genre of your book, then search the Agent Query database to find all the literary agents that represent your genre, whether it’s fiction or nonfiction.
Once you’ve determined the genre and searched the database, choose ten agents who you think might be a good match and query them so that you don’t feel overwhelmed.
If you need tips on how to write a good query letter, check out this video:
Tool #5
Next up is Google Alerts. Google alerts are useful for so many things. As a first-time writer I recommend setting daily or weekly alerts on your book’s subject matter and you can also use it to receive alerts on your name or book title.
So what you’ll find is as your book gets more exposure and as your brand grows, it gets harder to keep up with where you’re being featured on the Internet. So by having Google Alerts set up, it brings all of that information right to your inbox.
BONUS Tool #6
Next up is Help A Reporter Out. Help A Reporter Out is a great publicity and marketing tool for every writer. Its function is to connect you with journalists who are seeking sources for their stories.
Once you’ve signed up… you will receive three emails to your inbox everyday that highlights the stories reporters need sources for.