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The Web-Savvy Writer Book Promotion Guide – 5 Ideas To Boost Your Book’s Web Presence!

by | Jan 28, 2014 | Book Promotion

The Web-Savvy Writer Book Promotion Guide - Boost Your Web Presence

With the World Wide Web at your fingertips, publishing and promoting books have become easier for those who are familiar with social media sites and other online resources. The web-savvy writer book promotion guide allows you to get your work in the hands of people who might not have had exposure to your book otherwise. If you are looking for a few ways to promote your book online, then you should check out the web-savvy writer book promotion guide below.

The Web-Savvy Writer Book Promotion Guide


1. Blog Talk Radio

Blog Talk Radio is an ingenious way of getting your audience to participate in the discussion of your book. These broadcasts are live and depending on the show can garner large audiences. The ideal show for a writer is targeted towards the audience that best represents your book. If you wrote a parenting book then mommy radio shows would be a good fit for you. Find your audience and serve them!

Promotion for the show can be simple if you employ some of the tactics you’re already using. Promote the airing through your blog, social media, or any book promotion method you choose.

Make sure you engage your audience prior to the airing. You want them to be intrigued enough to actually tune in and tell others to do so too. Be creative with your book promotion, but stay on target with the theme of your book!

If all of that is in place, Blog Talk Radio allows up to five people to call in during a live show. The ability to interact with your target audience in real-time presents the opportunity to connect with your audience and build a brand. There are an unlimited amount of listeners that can tune in during the program. After the airing is over, it will be stored as a podcast that can be later accessed.

2. Twitter Chats

The web-savvy writer book promotion guide also includes social media sites such as Twitter.

Twitter is a great book promotion tool for writers. There are multiple ways you can promote your book on Twitter, but I’ll highlight two ways in this guide: twitter chats and the search function.

Writers can set up and host a twitter chat that is based around a unique hashtag.

Either create your own #hashtag and encourage your audience to tweet using it or you can check out these 40 Twitter Hashtags For Writers that will get people interested in participating.

You can also use the search function to search for people tweeting about your book’s subject matter. For example if you wrote a book for first time homebuyers, you could do a search on Twitter for tweets about purchasing a first home. Respond to the tweets by providing value first and then by sharing a link to your book. Notice I said share and not sell sell sell!

3. Write a Blog

From an SEO standpoint, a blog is a great way to promote your book. Posts around your book’s subject matter allows you to build your target audience and then later provide them value through your book. Here are a few tips on blogging for writers:

– Make sure you write regular blog entries that highlight aspects of your book.
– Share a behind the scenes account of the writing process (including research and writer’s block).
– Give insight into character development to build excitement.

Recommended: How To Start A Blog For Beginners

4. Video Promotion

Make a video of yourself being interviewed about your book. Video provides another way to build a personal connection and trust with people. If your footage is long, break the video into 3-4 minute segments that you’ll release periodically. Videos are awesome for it’s sharing function and also presents the potential to go viral! So make it short to keep audience interest.

5. Online Press Release

Another one of the web-savvy writer book promotion ideas would be to create a buzz around your book. Services like PRWeb and PRLog are designed to help increase the amount of people that get exposure to your book.

With greater traffic to your book and a well thought out marketing plan in place, you will begin to see an increase in sales. Getting your book into the hands of readers can be a challenge. Try using the web-savvy writer book promotion guide above to boost your book’s web presence.

Are you going to implement any of the ideas from the web-savvy writer book promotion guide? If so, what? Please share in the comment section below.

NEXT: Free Book Promotion Ideas – Learn Ways To Garner Free Book Promotion

The Web-Savvy Writer Book Promotion Guide - 5 Ideas To Boost Your Book's Web Presence!