Learn the best writing apps for writers! These apps are helping writers with grammar, to be productive, keep their focus and even begin journaling their feelings for their memoir. In this video, I will share five writing apps that are perfect for writers no matter your genre.
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Video Transcript for Writing Apps For Writers
Hi, aspiring writers! Writing Coach Stefanie Newell and this is The Life of A Writer channel. In this video, I will provide five of the best writing apps for writers that will help you with everything from productivity to grammar. If you haven’t seen my previous videos where I share additional writing apps for writers, be sure to check out the description box because I do have a playlist of great apps that will help you on your writing journey.
App #1 – Grammar Fix
So let’s get into this first app, which is Grammar Fix. Oh and I also want to mention that all of the apps in today’s video are 100% free as of the recording of this video. Grammar Fix is designed to help you understand and avoid the 10 most common grammar mistakes in as little as 10 minutes each. I chose this app because writers often share with me that grammar is a challenge. This app will help you with the basic components of grammar so that you can write with confidence.
App #2 – Diary
Next up is an app that will be great for all writers but especially for memoir writers. It’s called Diary. So this app is great for obviously journaling what happens on a day to day basis, but I actually recommend this app for memoir writers who may still be in the outlining stage, where they’re trying to think through their experiences and just trying to get their feelings and significant dates, times and places recorded. It’s 100% private where you can add a pin code in the event someone gets access to your phone, and it also allows you to go back in time and review your memories.
App #3 – Focus Keeper
Focus Keeper is a time management app. This app is designed to help you keep your productivity high by avoiding burnout and they do this by using a timer. So essentially there are five basic focus steps – It’s all about focusing your work efforts in timed 25-minute intervals, with a 5-minute break in between each writing session.
1) Choose a task to be done. In this case, it will be writing.
2) Set the timer for 25 minutes.
3) Focus on writing until the timer rings
4) Take a short break (just do something relaxing for 5 minutes)
5) Once you’ve completed 4 focus sessions, take a longer break. (20~30 minutes)
I find this app helpful for writers, who find it difficult to commit to writing for longer periods. This app makes it easier by breaking your writing into 4 sessions with breaks in between.
Writing Apps For Writers – App #4 – Danger Notes
Danger Notes is an app designed to fight writer’s block. Essentially what it does is it forces you to keep writing to save your progress from being deleted. The theory behind this writing app is that by pressuring you to keep writing, you will be forced to formulate an actual flow of written work instead of just staring at a blank document with no progress. The more words you type the easier it will be to break past your writer’s block and keep typing.
And this app was actually recommended to me, so if you have some apps that you’d like me to recommend or want me to review, be sure and leave them in the comments below.
App #5 – Productive
Productive is another great app and I especially recommend this app for first time writers who are trying to develop a new writing habit. For a lot of newbie writers, it can be so difficult trying to incorporate writing into an already busy day. Productive is designed to set smart reminders throughout your day and then analyze your daily, weekly and monthly progress.
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