How do I write a book? We already know the simple response, “put pen to paper.” Right. If it was only that easy, wouldn’t we be writers already? In reality, this question is not quite so straightforward. Are you asking how to complete a book? How to get one published? Are you asking, “How do I write a book that people will want to read?” Or, even one step further, “How do I write a book that will sell and make me money?” Great questions! Let’s see if we can dive into each one.
How do I write a book to completion?
This question is important for anyone considering writing a book. For those of us that are interested in publishing and those of us who only want to write a book to say we have done it. The latter may not necessarily want to be published but only say they have accomplished writing a book or want to leave behind a legacy of themselves to for generations to come. Either way the single most important thing you can do is write what you know.
There are topics you know inside out that you may not have even considered for a book. These are the things that just come naturally to you. Perhaps you are well versed in nutrition and people are always coming to you for advice. Write about that. Perhaps you travel and have seen incredible things that always engage the people you are sharing those stories with. It may not even cross your mind that these experiences could become an intriguing book but it’s the in depth knowledge you bring to these subjects that keeps people engaged.
How do I write a book that will get published?
So you have a drive to not only complete a book, but to get it published as well. Us writers are incredibly fortunate these days that self publishing has become so popular and relatively easy to do. The biggest piece to getting published these days is completing the book. The next piece of advice I can would give is to read lots of other books in the genre you wish to write.
By reading lots of other published books in your genre, you can get a good feel for what publishers may be looking for. You can get a good feel for what you like about them and what you don’t. These are great tools to bring back to your own book and incorporate or leave out. This is your single biggest research tool in writing a book that will get published.
How do I write a book that people will want to read?
When you write, your enthusiasm or lack thereof absolutely comes across on the page. If you are writing about a topic that you know a lot about but could care less about, that will be quite apparent. So what is the secret to writing an engaging book? Passion.
When you write about something you are passionate about that enthusiasm jumps off the pages. It excites the reader and keeps them engaged and invested in your work. If you have passion for something that you may not feel versed enough to write about yet, what a great opportunity to learn more about it! Research, research, research. If you are still just as passionate and committed to it after learning all you can about it, think of the amazing, engaging book you can offer up to your audience.
How do I write a book that will sell and make me money?
Ah, the coveted successful writer title. I am thrilled to share with you my experience on this topic. After many years of research and trial and error I have found essential elements that are needed in order to become a successful writer. These elements as well as many other tips and advice can be found through this blog and also my YouTube channel. Should you need further in depth information or advice, I offer a comprehensive online video course. I also offer writing coach services to help walk you through the entire process of learning how to write and publish your book so that you can feel confident in continuing to publish more books for years to come.
My final thought
Don’t be afraid to fail. Fear will continue to hold you back from accomplishing your dreams. In reality, failure is only a word that we attach meaning to. Let’s say you only write half of a book. Great! You are already further along than most writers that have yet to write a word. Let’s say no one wants to publish you? Finish the book anyway and look into self-publishing! Remember, every day is a new day and a new opportunity to take your dreams further than you ever have. Ready to make your dream a reality?
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