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How to successfully network as a writer

by | Sep 6, 2011 | Personal Development | 9 comments

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

People like to network with passionate people. People who are CONFIDENT and know their life’s purpose. Remember networking is about a mutual benefit, so have your A GAME ready!

Yesterday we discussed the importance of networking. Today we will discuss how to network successfully. If done correctly you can have the support of an amazing group of people from different areas of business that can assist you in marketing your book. Some of these people will be your customers and some will provide YOU a product or service. Some of these people you will have an ongoing relationship with, while others you may have a chance encounter. In each of these encounters, make it mean something.

One person can do a little but a team of people can move mountains.

If you remember as I was finishing yesterday’s blog post I received a text message from a friend. She was referring an aspiring writer to me, so I could answer any questions he had about the publishing industry. Well he called last night which leads me to characteristics of good networking:

Call/Email when you say you are. We live in an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ type of world. So ensure that the person remembers you by calling when you say you will. It says so much about your character. It says that you’re passionate but most of all that you are SERIOUS.

Ask the right questions. I loved my conversation with Monte.*waves* Hey Monte!

He asked all the right book marketing questions. But most importantly he LISTENED. Which told me that he really wanted my advice. And then…

Provide value. I will say this again. Networking is a mutually beneficial exchange. So show your VALUE. Are you an excellent writer? Is your niche thrillers? Monte’s niche is short films. And he’s passionate about it and while I’ve read nothing he’s ever written, he showed me he had value by his CONFIDENCE and desire to win.

Okay, okay so you’re wondering how do I find these people to network with?

I’m going to focus on the Internet and social media because where else can you meet over a billion people? Yes a billion.

Envision over a billion people standing behind your computer. Once these people are standing behind your computer you’re able to narrow them down to interests, geographic location, sex, age, etc.

Twitter – Twitter is my favorite. The search feature on Twitter is phenomenal. Try it out! Go ahead, I’ll wait… Put in “author” and see everyone on Twitter discussing it right now.

Wefollow.com Don’t know who to follow on Twitter? WeFollow is a good starting point. You can search for people to follow by profession and location. Want to network with publishing companies? Find them on Wefollow!

Facebook – Facebook if used correctly is another really great tool. Add other authors, publishing companies, and editors. Join groups with similar interests. Once you’ve connected, introduce yourself and provide value to their page by posting meaningful comments.

For those who feel like networking is difficult, I say jump in there – get your feet wet! Networking is an investment in your career. It doesn’t cost you anything but sweat equity (your time). It’s literally making a relationship one person at a time. Meaningful relationships that can advance your career and provide mutual value.

How are you going about networking? Are you using social media? If so, what sites are you currently using to network? How successful has it been? Please share in the comment section below.


  1. Miriam Pia

    I'd like to link our books-for-sale and our websites or connecting “portals”. If you search Miriam Pia or MiriamSPia or Uranian Fiction you should be able to find several samples of my work including the novel An Adventure in Indianapolis. I myself was shocked that the Adventure in Indy isn't SF. The instructors at the Writer's Bureau warned me that even though I'm a novelist I might have to work writing nonfiction for a while before being able to sell my fiction. So far, they've been proven true but I don't have to like that its true.

  2. choosingtogrow

    I really like the idea of mutuality of services. I have found…through initial attempts at networking, that it is just as important, if not more, that you follow wisely. There are plenty of people and groups who are going to be beneficial to the promotion of things that are important to me, and I know that I have something to offer them too…but it is a process to cull through the ocean of voices out there. I really liked this post! Thanks,

  3. Stefanie

    Thanks Meagan, I appreciate your thoughtful reply. Please bookmark me!

  4. Tameka Mullins

    As a writer I network any and everywhere. From social network sites like Twitter, Goodreads, Facebook or chance encounters at the grocery store. Everyone likes a good story and as soon as you say you're a writer people want to know what you've written and where they can read it.

    So my advice would be to hang out where writers gather, bookstores, conferences, writing events and classes… But also be ready to tout your talent anywhere. You never know who knows someone you'd find beneficial unless you open your mouth! Cheers!

    BTW, nice meeting you on Twitter! 🙂

  5. Stefanie

    Great advice Tameka!

    I know I find myself networking at the gym. So you're right opportunities pop up everywhere.

    I'm on Goodreads as well, which groups do you belong to?

  6. Jillian

    Hi Stephanie,

    I was able to get onto your page, no problem the second try.

    Love your writing and your concise information. I will be sure to read through your website and use all of your valuable insight to break out of my cave and move forward with the social networking and business side of writing.

  7. Stefanie

    Thank you so much Jillian. I appreciate your comment!