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Sell My Book Online: 4 Little Known Ways To Increase Book Sales Online

by | Dec 27, 2013 | Sell Books | 2 comments

Sell My Book Online - 4 Little Known Ways To Increase Book Sales Online

A lot of writers, new and experienced, wonder at some point, “How can I sell my book online?”

There are numerous ways for you to sell your book online, but you may not be aware of all of your resources. When self-publishing and relying on your own creativity and resources, it is vital that you look at all of your sales options. Try to look into as many options as possible before settling on an idea. This post will share little known ways you can sell your book online and gain exposure by coupling these ideas with the methods you are already using.

How Do I Sell My Book Online?


One of the most common ways to do this would be to sell on a popular site like Amazon.com that sees a lot of traffic and has high popularity. This gives you access to their visitors and increased chances of someone seeing your book. But you should not stop at this!

You should also take advantage of Amazon’s Author Central. Author Central allows writers to share their biography, blog, events, photos, and video.

You are also allowed to have a customized URL. For example my Amazon Author Page URL is amazon.com/author/stefanienewell. This personalized Amazon page is beneficial for many reasons including:

  • The obvious… It’s on Amazon’s website and gives your book greater exposure than just being on your own website. Amazon tracks buyers book purchases, thereby allowing them to recommend books they think the reader will like (including yours). If your book is on Amazon, it could be featured as a recommended purchase. [I’ve actually had friends and family members tell me that Amazon was helping to sell my book online because it was recommended to them.]

  • It allows you to draw readers back to your website, blog, and videos. This is beneficial to authors because you can collect readers email address and further communicate with them about your book outside of Amazon.

  • It links potential readers to your social media accounts. This allows you to introduce yourself in a less formal way and begin engaging with people as soon as they follow you.

  • It links directly to your book and past book catalog. When a potential reader is interested in the author and the other books they’ve written, they get your photo and bio, as well as all of your important links.


Sell my book online by collaborating?


You can also look at new ways to increase the appeal of your book. If you are writing non-fiction and it has something to do with your products or business in general, you can try bundling. Add your book to another deal that you have, like some of the products that you have for sale, to make it more attractive to your target audience. This gives people more of what they want with a smaller investment.

Bundling does not have to stop at your business, of course. I’ve collaborated with other writers to help sell my book online. Both fiction and non-fiction writers can bundle their books together. Find a similar book and see if the writer would like to offer deals with you. This is a great way to increase visibility. You are both marketing your books and you both have fans, and you can benefit from the other because of this.

Make use of online forums and free samples. If I want to sell my book online, I could find a forum related to my book’s topic and give them an excerpt of what I have written. This helps to build up interest and get feedback from people, and it may even be enough of a hook to get more sales in.

Take advantage of the mobile market, as well. While plenty of people will be able to read your book on their phones, not many will find it easily. Make it easier for people who spend their time mobile to find your book. You can do this by submitting your eBook or audiobook to iTunes. This will allow your mobile audience to discover your book via their smartphone or tablet.  There is a huge market of people that connect from their phones while commuting and passing time. Find your audience!

If you are still asking, “How can I sell my book online?” you may want to try contacting someone to help support your efforts. Publishers, book publicists, and consultants may have connections and resources that can allow for increased profits and growing popularity. To sell my book online, I’ve coupled a few of these methods along with the more traditional methods and saw great success.

What tactics have you found useful for selling your book online? Please share in the comment section below.

If you are looking for additional ways to sell your book online, please read the next post in this series.

NEXT: How Do I Sell My Books Online?

Sell My Book Online: 4 Little Known Ways To Increase Book Sales Online


  1. D. Lawrence

    I don't sell my book on-line. I use the telephone initially and make contacts that way. But I donate to charities which is an added incentive, and I'm lucky that I have a page Foreword by a famous celebrity who has championed my/our cause.

    • Stefanie

      Thanks for your perspective. Do you think you'll ever sell online?