Now that you have that amazing feat of writing your book out of the way, you are probably asking yourself, “How do I sell my books online?” With such an online consumer market, books have a greater opportunity to get into readers hands now more than ever. Putting your book in the right online venues will increase exposure in ways that will humble you as an author. Choosing several different marketing strategies will put you in the right direction to creatively sell your book.
How Do I Sell My Books Online – Video:
You need to start by making a video to introduce your new book. It has been said that more consumers are likely to purchase a product or service that has a video attached to it. While the video does not need to be professionally produced, it should be of good content and give viewers a clear understanding of your book.
By talking about your new work in front of the camera, you will establish a personal connection with the reader. You will create a trust with the prospective buyer and lay the groundwork for a true following.
How Do I Sell My Books Online – Social Media:
It is time to plug in to your social media connections and broaden your field of influence. With outlets like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you have the ability to post your book introduction and synopsis to many people. Ask your friends to pass around the link where people can buy your book.
How Do I Sell My Books Online – Pinterest:
With Pinterest, selling your book has great possibilities. Attach a Pinterest button on your website or blog to encourage people to follow you and pin your book cover. Create an interesting board to Pin your latest book. Use enticing words to describe your book. Make sure you embed a link to purchase the book.
How Do I Sell My Books Online – Affiliate:
You can sell your book by allowing others to become an affiliate. Find a blogger that is targeting the same readership that your book has been written for. Contact that person and ask if they can promote your book on their feed in exchange for a price paid to them per sale.
How Do I Sell My Books Online – Blog:
Blog about the writing process of your book. Get your readers excited about the upcoming release. Host a giveaway of your book to a few readers to enhance your following. Offer your book to other bloggers and ask them to read it and blog their review.
Knowing that the public has such access to your thoughts and ideas is an incredible feeling. With these different selling techniques you are sure to see an increase in sales of your book.
What are your tips for selling your books online? Please share in the comment section below.
"You need to start by making a video to introduce your new book." ?
I have posted video trailers for all of my books on YouTube but I get little results!
You can see all of them at…
[email protected]
I am a idetical twin, and me and my brother have wrote and published an ebook at 17 years old.
i love your youtube videos so I would love your feed back
Hey, I just checked out your website. I'm so proud of you two!!!! Keep up the good work and remember to market, market, market!