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When your blog goes silent

by | Apr 28, 2013 | Tips For Writers | 6 comments

I have a bookmark for all of my favorite blogs. These are blogs that I frequently visit because the content is interesting and a refreshing take on my favorite subjects. These blogs span the gamut from nutrition, hair care, writing, fitness, finance, spirituality…blah blah blah.

You name it I have a blog bookmarked for it.

What I’ve noticed the last few weeks is that alot of my favorite blogs have gone silent.

Regular bloggers (who post everday) have decreased posting. Sporadic bloggers have gone on hiatus.

I think all of our situations are similar as bloggers. I’ve been down this road before. I blogged for a few years for my entertainment blog (several posts a day for years) and a few things start to happen over time.

1.) Life – When you have a lot going on in your personal life, its sometimes hard to pin yourself down to your computer and crank out a blog post.

2.) Writers block – This is especially true of “niche blogs,” meaning blogs where you write on one particular subject. It is very easy to run out of things to talk about.

So here are a two tips to prevent your blog from going silent:

1.) Visit forums and websites related to your sites subject matter. Answer the questions people are asking on your blog and then if possible direct them to your site for the answer.

2.) Write draft blogs. If you have an idea for a blog but don’t have the time to complete a post, write a draft and then complete it as you have time.

What are some of your challenges as a blogger? As a reader of a blog, does it bother you when you visit a blog and they haven’t posted in a while? Please share in the comment section below.


  1. The Sidebar Review

    Life definitely gets in the way of blogging sometimes! Especially when you wonder if anyone will actually read what it took you so long to put together — sometimes that discouraging feeling makes me reprioritize and choose something else more pressing to do instead.

    • Stefanie

      That's very true as well!

  2. GG

    It's definitely challenging to post on a regular basis when you have many other projects going on. This is my biggest challenge. If I have a window of time, do I work on posting to my blogs? Work on my book? Work on articles for other online media? It's always a juggling act. I haven't been in the blogging game for that long at all. It's still pretty high on my list of priorities because I love the outlet, I love the interaction and it's part of building a personal brand for myself. I hope that over time as I continue to grow as a writer and entrepreneur that I'll always make time to blog. It's a really good friend that I don't want to ever lose touch with, you know?

    • Stefanie

      Yes, I absolutely know. And you make a good point about which one of your writing projects takes precedence. Sometimes its difficult to figure out which project you should work on on any given day. I will continue to blog, however I think I'm going to take a cue from my writing counterparts and skim down to a few times per week.

  3. Stefanie

    I'm with you…I feel if you need a break you should take it. Better to take the break when you need it than blog fluff imho.

  4. Erica

    I am new to the world of blogging, and I am already finding it difficult to stick to schedule. Reading this post makes me look at it from the perspective of the reader. I have also found some of my favorite blogs silent and I really miss them. I did not realize how much apart of my daily life this blogs were. I rely on some of them to give me the inspiration or information I need to get through the day.. Looking at it from this perspective drives me to keep up the pace with my own site. Thanks for the insight!