If you want to enhance your writing skills, you will also need to be extremely productive. Sophisticated writers know that a well-organized writing workplace positively impacts their creativity, concentration, and cleverness. In this post, I will be sharing writing workplace organization tips, supplied by an infographic that was recently shared with me, that will help you to organize your workspace so that you can be more productive throughout your day.
Writing Workplace Organization: Three tips to help you organize a workplace
Organize your writing desk
One way to stay focused while writing your manuscript is to organize your writing desk. When it comes to cleaning up a desk, cabinets are one of your greatest weapons. Cabinets are great for keeping things out of sight and to house all of your extras such as: folders, extra supplies, and papers. Undoubtedly, you will likely have quite a few books in your office, so be sure to organize a special place for them as well. For example, you can hang book shelves and organize them in a way where you can easily access the books you use most often.
Choose the best illumination
As writers we are often sitting at computers for long periods of time, so it’s important to pick the best illumination for your office space. In fact, good lighting promotes better visibility and, therefore, reduces a risk of health problems. In fact, a 4000 Kelvin light is the best for illumination, as it can stimulate cerebration.
Add some comfort
When you think about a perfect writing space, a cozy place probably comes to your mind. If you want to add some comfort, include live plants. Plants not only help to make the space more comfy, but also boost spirits. So, don’t hesitate to buy an aloe, a fern, or a cactus. In addition candles, pictures of family and motivational quotes are also really great in an office space as well.
To find additional inspiration, check out this useful infographic by OmniPapers, where you can find a step-by-step guide for writing workplace organization. Save it and start using it!
Infographic looks great. Totally agree with you. Workplace certainly affects the quality of work.