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Should You Use a First Person Narrator?

Using a first person narrator, like any point of view, has its pros and cons. As a newbie writer, it is important that you understand these pros and cons so you can decide if using a first person narrator is beneficial to your novel. Sift through these lists and think...

5 Important Tips for Writing Non-Fiction

I have talked a lot about writing fiction on this blog, and now I think it is time to show some love to my non-fiction writers out there. Writing non-fiction is a great path to take and I am going to give you 5 important tips for writing non-fiction. 5 Important Tips...
The Best Book Cover Design Ideas

The Best Book Cover Design Ideas

Designing your book cover is undoubtedly one of the most exciting parts of publishing your new novel. Thinking of all the elements you want to implement can make you want to jump right into the design process… but you need to take a moment and pause before you begin....

How to Use Flashbacks in Your Story

You’ve been working on your story for a few chapters and you realize that a flashback would work perfectly for your plot. So, you add one in… then another… then another. Before you know it, you have a flashback per page and you’re drowning in past tense. Instead of...

Showing vs Telling In Fiction Writing

When you set out to write your first book, whether it be a memoir, a fiction novel, or a non-fiction novel, you want to consider the showing vs telling of your story. What I mean by showing vs telling is how you are writing the events of your plot. A good novel will...